Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Thought this image  might serve as a great example of what animal rescue is. Please let me know your thoughts on it?

The purpose of this blog is the beginning of forming network worldwide of senior citizens who are actively  involved in animal rescue or want to be. This is where you can SHARE your experiences to encourage others to participate in animal rescue as a volunteer, supporter, foster home or any other way someone might be able to be of help to animal rescue in their community.

Seniors Helping Animal Rescues Everywhere = SHARE

Senior adoption programs are opening up in so many places, allowing senior citizens to adopt senior rescue animals at a discounted price so it is a win win for everyone involved.

Educate your friends, relatives, and neighbors about animal rescue and how you are involved. Anyone can participate and easily become involved helping rescues. So often people forget just what it is they have to offer with a lifetime of experience in the workforce. Many animal rescues have lists of what they need. It might be as simple as donating items from your home so they can include them in their next fundraising garage sale at the rescue. Plus you can help them by volunteering for the event. They always need photographs, so if you a re skilled with a digital camera let them know. Maybe they need someone to assist in their office occasionally. Animals need to be walked and socialized. They always need volunteers to help at the tables at adoption events. Many volunteers even bake for the rescue bake sales.

If there is anything YOU CAN DO, an animal rescue needs it. So please contact your local animal rescues and ask how you can help them. As I mentioned before just search for the animal rescue directory in your state and  you will find the ones closest to you. Maybe you want to help a specific breed, then there are animal rescues for them.

Please be sure to take the poll at the top of the right hand column.

If anyone wants to link to their local rescue, please do so. Maybe even let others know what your favorite rescue needs in the event someone in your area is reading this blog. Las Vegas Labrador Rescue is one we volunteered as fosters with in Las Vegas:  http://lvlabrescue.com/Las_Vegas_Labrador_Rescue/Welcome.html

Also if you want to be notified by email about the blog posts, then fill in your email above. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    That is a lovely idea and one that I support greatly. Too often I see adds on GL for senior dogs and how wonderful they are.
    People are afraid that by adopting a older dog, they will not have enough time with their companion. But so many times the older dogs has so much to offer. I wish you all the best.

    Marie ( prodoghawaii)
