Saturday, April 26, 2014

Some Information About Senior Citizens and VOLUNTEERING

Hello everyone, sorry for the delay, however we have moved and it took some time between packing, loading a truck, moving, unpacking and sorting things into the new home and still getting the other home in order to show it for resale. So now I find myself late at night with some free time and decided to write this BLOG post. Please post your comments and feedback after reading it?

I have not stopped asking for input from others about senior citizens in the role of VOLUNTEERS with animal rescues/shelters. The results are quite interesting as they vary. I am a positive person so my glass is constantly half full, so no matter what others have to say I still will be proceeding forward in networking all the seniors I can throughout the world to become VOLUNTEERS at their local animal rescues. We want you to join us and also help us by spreading the word to al the other seniors you know.

Numerous animal rescues I have questioned say they would love to have senior citizens VOLUNTEER with them. They feel it is a win win situation for everyone. This is why in the Facebook page and elsewhere I always offer to help any newbie VOLUNTEERS or wanna be VOLUNTEERS and answer any questions they might have about animal rescue and direct them to the ones closest to them. So please anyone who is still LOST or UNSURE, just email me at

VOLUNTEERING with animal rescues will open up a whole new chapter in your life and you will not be disappointed only to the fact you will ask yourself why you did not start sooner helping animals in need in your own communities. Better late than never, so START VOLUNTEERING TODAY!

Others have mentioned to me they are slightly disappointed with senior citizens as they have visited senior citizen centers and solicited their help with local animal rescues only to have no one accept or VOLUNTEER. Now I always say one cannot judge others until walking in their shoes. I am just sharing what has been shared with me. Many folks have a misconception of seniors and only think of feeble wheelchair bound elders and wonder how they could possibly be any help VOLUNTEERING. Even if this were the case, this type of senior would be perfect for those with companion animals that visit nursing and assisted living homes to be held and pet by those who reside there. So even in this situation those seniors are VOLUNTEERING their time to be with that animal even though it might seem the animal is VOLUNTEERING its time to be with the seniors. Does it really matter? The end result is the same the animal is loved and so is the senior citizen.

Many seniors do not have transportation or the physical ability to stand for long hours or hold the leash and walk an animal. There are endless ways a senior like this can still be a beneficial VOLUNTEER with an animal rescue. In the Facebook page I have provided links of directories of animal rescues and shelters so seniors can see which ones they reside near and even choose a specific animal breed rescue. Remember there are a lot more than just dog and cat rescue/shelters out there in the world. If you cannot find these links please email me directly and I can send you the link pages. I use WORLD because that is our goal to network senior citizens throughout the world with animal rescues/shelters. Over one billion senior citizens reside throughout the world so you can see that is quite a lot of VOLUNTEER potential.

Local rescues all over the country have responded and all say they would love to have senior citizens VOLUNTEERING with them. So please folks take that first step if you are not VOLUNTEERING already, contact your local rescues and see what VOLUNTEER positions are available. Remember not all of them have to be at the rescue and/or event, you might be able to VOLUNTEER from your own home. Several post I made on the Facebook page explained ways you can be a VOLUNTEER like this and be a great befit to the rescue. Maybe you network with others and coordinate and/or find donations from local business organizations. Does the rescue need a place to have an adoption event and/or fundraiser? Maybe they accept leftover items from community garage sales so they can sell them at their own fundraising sales? Do they need your help on their website logging in and updating it or emailing messages? Many of you have professional skills you can use which the rescues direly are in need of.

Recently we reached out to attempt to increase our LIKE numbers for the FACEBOOK  page and it is working. Thank all of you who helped by SHARING the posts and LIKING us! So this just proves it pays to ask and to spread the word of mouth. You can do the same once you VOLUNTEER with a local rescue by communicating with other seniors in hopes they too will become VOLUNTEERS like you. If you reside in a senior citizen community you have the opportunity to mention it to others on a daily basis, to speak about it at gatherings, clubs, and other meetings. Currently I am drafting up press release about the Facebook page and BLOG. Plus I have been asked to speak on several animal oriented radio & television programs in the near future. So we are proceeding slowly. One day we hope to be a non profit. So anyone with any ideas to help us grow, please let me know.